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Printed circuit boards

The adjusted deliveries of PCB from China, Europe, Germany and Russia allow us to shift some variants of cooperation, depending on terms of delivery and the prices for each order individually.

The big network of Suppliers assumes performance by the following variants:

- To a urgent variant (5-7 days) with high quality of production,

- With term of delivery of 2-3 weeks,

- With term of delivery of 4-5 weeks.

Quality of PCB corresponds to international standards IPC - 2221, also it is confirmed with international certificate ISO 9001 : 2000.

Quality of used materials for manufacture of PCB corresponds to standard IPC 101, the control system of quality is confirmed with international certificate ISO 9001:2000. A material are widely used by manufacture of the computer, telecommunication and hi-tech equipment.

The basic characteristics

- Delivery one-sided, two-sided, multilayered up to 24 layers, flexible, flexible - rigid , MICROWAVES - PCB,

- Thickness of materials 0,8mm, 1,0mm, 1,6mm, 2,0mm, 2,5mm, 3,0mm.

- Thickness of a copper foil 9,18,35,70,105mkm,

- A solder mask - green, dark blue, black, red,

- Silk-screen printing - white, yellow, black, the sanction 0,1mm,

- The minimal width of a track 0,1mm,

- Distance between elements of PCB 0,1mm,

- VIA hole diameter, min 0,3mm,

- The minimal difference between hole diameter and aperture 0,3mm,

Processing of a contour: a diamond disk, milling, v-cut, stamp,

- Finishing coverings of PCB - Standart Hasl, Hard Gold, Immersion Gold, Carbon Ink, Ni; a covering fingers - Au, Ni, Carbon Inc, plumbum-free Hasl.

Delivery of non-standard PCB

1. Delivery of PCB to the MICROWAVE materials:

- laminate - Rogers (RO 4003, RO 43350), FR4*

- prepreg - Rogers (RO 4403, RO 44450), FR4*

* Multilayer PCB can be hybrid - Rogers together with FR4. For additional heat removal in designs Multilayer PCB and two-sided PCB application of the metal basis (Al, Cu) is possible.

2. PCB with the metal basis:

- Used materials - Bergquist, Ruikai, Totking, Laird, etc.

- Terms of delivery from 1 weeks (prototypes), from 4 weeks of a series.

3. Flexible PCB and connectors, flexible - rigid PCB:

- Materials - kapton (Rogers, Dupont, Taiflex), FR4,

- A sheeting - kapton, soldering mask (LPI).

PCB design layout

We can provide professional technical support with professional electronic team to meet our customer’s requirements.