Led information panels
The product "Led information panels " makes function to the display of the information as the running text of any contents. The text can include figures, letter of the top and bottom registers English and Russian , and as Symbols within the limits of the extended table of symbols ASCII. The input of the text can be carried out with the help PC or laptop with USB by port and any terminal program supporting the necessary coding (CP 866).
In the given version of a LED panel:
- Quantity of symbols - 160,
- The size - 3 panels, everyone contains LED field 7*40 LEds,
- The AC range 11 … 24 V, can be if necessary extended to 36 Volts,
- The power consumption – 1A is maximum.
The incorporated technical parameters and given line have allowed considerably to lower the requirements on a feed(meal) LED of a line, and as to apply standard mass external power units, for example, from notebook or to have a line from an onboard network of a vehicle. If necessary line can be prolonged up to 10 panels in length.
The company Elcontinent Co LTd services:
- On development and manufacturing the LED panels, agrees the technical projects of the Customer,
- Help in designing and manufacturing of the boxes for LED panels any sizes,
- Adaptation of the project under operating conditions.